Compassion – Connection - Educate – Enjoy
A Call to Action:
Early in the summer of 2015, friends visited Lavender Crest Farm and were amazed at the sense of peacefulness they experienced in the lavender and while spending time with the Icelandic horses. Throughout the rest of that summer other visitors stopped at the farm to walk in the lavender gardens and talk to the horses always leaving the farm with that same sense of peacefulness. At this point, David and Sharon realized something they always knew – the passion they had for their farm, gardens and animals had a magic appeal… idea was born!
The formative years
Both David and Sharon have been active educators for the past 30+ years. David working on the college level, Sharon a high school science teacher both enjoyed the outdoors; long walks with dogs in tow, work in the lavender gardens, and all the peacefulness that animals and gardening bring. Things changed in 2012 when Sharon needed a second hip replacement and then revision surgery that required her to be bedridden without a permanent hip for three months. This began a very long process of rehabilitation to gain some mobility; first a wheelchair, then a walker and eventually a cane, leaving her permanently disabled and forced to retire from teaching. This experience opened both of their eyes to the lack of open spaces with proper trails so that people with disabilities can enjoy what nature has to offer.
The solution
While doing some research, David came across therapeutic care farms that allow people to use their various senses to experience the outdoors with the plants and animals that live there. However, while popular in Europe, therapeutic care farms are relatively new in the United States. So, the idea evolved to turn Lavender Crest Farm into a therapeutic care farm devoted to providing a safe and healing place for animals and people. A farm where young and old can experience sensory areas and provide intimate spaces. Individuals can be immersed in the fragrances, textures and colors of plants. Natural areas will provide creative development of human-animal relationships. A positive, non-judgmental environment for individuals and animals is crucial. Lavender Crest strives to be a place that will provide educational and community outreach programs. Lavender Crest Foundation was born!