Lavender Crest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit - ID #81-5159323

Small Lavender Sachet

Nothing brings the fresh, clean fragrance of our lavender field to your clothes, linens, towels or any room easier and prettier than with a lavender sachet. Lavender lovers can never have too many, and like to place them all about their homes for fragrance. They can also be used in your dryer. Each sachet will last for 25 laundry dryer cycles or more! Before each use, firmly squeeze or massage one dryer sachet before tossing into the clothes dryer to release the clean, woodsy scent of lavender and reduce static cling. Not for use in washing machines. We have two sizes of sachet bags for you to choose from. Our sachets will make your clothing and rooms smell wonderful and repel moths and other insects at the same time.